Cleopatra Antique Thermal Pool

Cleopatra Antique Thermal-Pool / Pamukkale - Hierapolis Ancient City

In the tourism paradise of Pamukkale in Denizli, the Cleopatra Pool dating from the Roman period, which was formed by earthquakes in 692 AD, literally strikes money. Pamukkale Tourism Association Director Ali Aktürk said that the tourists pour along the pool with a water temperature of 36 degrees.

The ancient pool in Pamukkale, which is also known as natural beauty as well as its rich historical structure and on the protection list of UNESCO, was also an important income channel for the Special Provincial Administration. Tourists pay 35 Turkish Liras per person at the entrance to the ancient pool which is open from 08.00 am to 19.00 pm.

Cleopatra Antique Thermal-Pool / Pamukkale - Hierapolis Ancient City

Ali Aktürk, President of Pamukkale Tourism Association, said that the antique pool, besides having a relaxing effect due to the water temperature, is also good for many diseases. He said that the ancient pool water is good for heart disease, arteriosclerosis, blood pressure, rheumatism, skin, eye, rickets, paralysis, nervous and vascular diseases, and gastric spasms when it drinks.

Aktürk stated that 350 thousand people benefited from the ancient pool last year and this count is close to 200 thousand in the first 6 months of this year. We expect that this number will reach 500 thousand by the end of the year. He said that the pool has mostly European and Russian tourists. Rumour has it that Queen Cleopatra got her beauty from this pool; Ali Aktürk said that it was called Cleopatra Pool for this reason.

Cleopatra Antique Thermal-Pool / Pamukkale - Hierapolis Ancient City

Formation of the Cleopatra Antique Thermal Pool

An earthquake in the 7th century AD opened a pit in the middle of the city. The earthquake hurls the city’s magnificent columns, and the freeing thermal waters filled it and this Ancient Pool was formed.

Cleopatra Antique Thermal-Pool / Pamukkale - Hierapolis Ancient City

It was an amazing story even for us. Since the Hierapolis and its surroundings are like a health center/spa even in the Roman Empire period, it has been common since ancient times that water has been good for some skin and circulating problems. For this reason, it is not the case that such a natural, healing and at the same time the aesthetic pool is not popular. What popularity! Even Egyptian Queen Cleopatra claims to have heard of this pool. Because the pool is supplied with thermal water, the summer-winter temperature is exactly the optimal body temperature of 36 degrees. So think about the pleasure of winter in the pool!


From the city center of Denizli, you drive with your car towards north on D-585 road, to Pamukkale. You can go to Pamukkale with buses from Denizli by public transportation in the bus terminal.

Cleopatra Antique Thermal-Pool / Pamukkale - Hierapolis Ancient City

Entering Fees

In order to get to the area where the Antique Pool is located, firstly you have to be entered into Hierapolis Ancient City. So both the travertines, the ancient city of Hierapolis and the ancient pool are located in the same complex. The admission charge for this is 35 TL per person.

If you have a MuzeKart, it is free of charge twice a year. Of course, this charge only includes all Pamukkale and Hierapolis Ancient City and watching the Antique Pool.

Cleopatra Antique Thermal-Pool / Pamukkale - Hierapolis Ancient City

So if you want to enter the pool, you have to buy tickets again and the MuzeKart does not valid here. The charge of entering Hierapolis Ancient City is 40 TL per person. In short, in Hierapolis Antique Pool, swimming pool total 35 + 40 = 75 TL.

Also, the pool is free from 0 to 6 years old, 13 TL for 7 – 12 years old. If you only intend to see the pool and take a photograph, there is no charge for admission to the pool.

Visiting Hours and Days

The ruins and the pool are open every day of the week.

Hierapolis Antique City, Pamukkale Travertines and Antique Pool are opened at 8.00 in summer and are closed at 21.00 in April-October, at 17.00 and between Novembers – March.



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