Derinkuyu Underground City

Derinkuyu Underground City / Cappadocia

Derinkuyu Underground City Turkey

The underground cities in Cappadocia are quite famous. More than a hundred underground cities built by Christians in an important period of history are located in Cappadocia. Only a few of them have been fully discovered. Much research has been done on why Christians needed to build a large number of underground cities in the past. Research shows that in the past, Christians built many underground cities in order to protect themselves from Roman soldiers and Arabs and to carry out their religious activities more freely. These underground cities were so large that all activities in everyday life could be carried out here. There were everything from churches to cemeteries in these underground cities. Moreover, some underground cities were connected by underground tunnels. One of these impressive underground cities is Derinkuyu Underground City. In this article we will try to give you detailed information about this underground city. Let’s start.

What We Have in Derinkuyu Underground City: Visit Derinkuyu Underground City

Derinkuyu Underground City consists of a total of 8 floors. You have to go squatting to visit this city 8 floors below. Because it’s almost impossible for a normal person to walk around. The first floor of the Derinkuyu Underground City is approximately 5 meters below the ground. On the first floor you will find a kitchen, a storage room with supplies. There is also a winery on the first floor.

On the second floor of Derinkuyu Underground City, there are living rooms. The living rooms here are quite spacious. Because many people living in the city use the spaces as partners. There is a barn on the second floor of the city. The Christian people who lived there even kept their animals. They were usually placed on the first or second floor so that the animals could breathe comfortably.

When you go downstairs, you will see a school. This school is called the Missionary School. The most important feature that distinguishes this Derinkuyu Underground City from others is this school. Religious education was provided in there. There are also churches nearby. There are also confessional sites and cemeteries around the school.

There is a dungeon on the 4th floor of Derinkuyu Underground City. In this dungeon, it is thought that the criminals in the city have served their sentences. The dungeon has a very narrow area. Built around 3000 BC, everything that was necessary for a human life was considered in this city. There is a secret tunnel between the city and Kaymaklı Underground City. According to research, there are many traps in these hidden tunnels that can be used to neutralize enemy soldiers more easily.

How To Go Derinkuyu Underground City?

This underground city located on Nevşehir – Niğde Highway is in Derinkuyu district. Muzekart can be used to visit this underground city. If you do not have Muzekart, a pass fee for one person is determined as 45 TL.

Derinkuyu Underground City / Cappadocia


Derinkuyu Underground City / Cappadocia

Inside of the Derinkuyu Underground City


Derinkuyu Underground City Map

Derinkuyu Underground City Floors

Derinkuyu Underground City Water



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