Temple Of Artemis

Temple of Artemis

The two seven wonders of the world is in Turkey. These are Temple of Artemis in Ephesus and Mausoleum at Halicarnassus in Bodrum. In the 11th century BC, Androklos, the son of King Kodros of Athens, came to Anatolia like other colonists and settled in the area of Ephesus. The port city of Ephesus, where the people of sea migration began to live in 1050 BC, moved around Temple of Artemis in 560 BC.

Temple of Artemis / Ephesus Ancient City

Ephesus today was built by Lysimakhos, one of the generals of Alexander the Great. It was founded in 300 years. It is the most glorious day of this period and the Roman period. When the busy port is filled with alluvium in time, it has become the worst place. The Byzantine Emperor Justinian (527-565) moved to the vicinity of St. John’s Basilica, which was built in Ayasuluk Hill. It was taken by the Turks in 1330 and Ayasuluk is the center of Aydinogullari, began to gradually decrease from the 16th century and took the name of Selcuk after 1923.

Temple of Artemis Ruins / Ephesus Ancient City

The Temple of Artemis, based on the tradition of Mother Goddess Kybele of Old Anatolia, is the greatest the cult. In Ephesus, it was built for God of Fertility Artemis. Known as one of the Seven Wonders of the World, this temple was built at 550 BC at the request of Croesus the King of Lydia, According to the drawings and inscriptions reaching to the today; made by the most talented sculptors of the period. It is full of bronze and marble sculptures and is said to be a gigantic structure at a height of 90 meters and a width of 45 meters. Only one or two pieces of marble are left behind today, which is considered one of the Seven Wonders List of the World.



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